7/16 - Podcasts on Prescribed Fire

I don't know about you guys, but I love podcasts. The format is a perfect way for anybody to step up and speak their minds, and find an audience in doing so. Their ability to bring up previously unknown information makes them a potent tool for education, and a source of interesting information. 

This week, I thought I'd give you all a list of a few interesting fire-related podcasts that have piqued my interest. Put them on in the car when you're driving to work, doing chores, or during any repetitive, mind-numbing activity.

(Only one podcast is itself directly related to fire - the rest are just episodes that focus on prescribed fire.)


Perspectives: Prescribed Burns

This episode does an excellent job of demystifying burning, and gives a bit of background into the behind-the-scenes work of burning, while delving into the recent Franklin prescribed fire that turned into a wildfire. Explanations of burns on the ground, ecological effects, smoke, opinions from experts in the field, and more. 

Stuff you Should Know: What's the Deal with Controlled Burns?

Really cool episode by two interested guys who have clearly done their research on burning. A good amount of history on burning in America, and some pertinent information about why burning is making a comeback worldwide.

In Defense of Plants: Fire in the Forest

Awesome podcast, and an excellent episode. The host tackles some of the history of fire, and looks at our preexisting biases towards fire as an ecological tool. Though his perspective on fire is certainly more forest and plant-centric, he still offers a valuable viewpoint on what burning means for mother nature, and what burning means for human society.

Half Hour Intern: Prescribed Burn Crew Member

The half hour intern podcast focuses on a different career path every week, and in this episode, they take a look at burning from the perspective of a crew member, who offers a really direct point of view on burning from a scientific and personal point of view. 

Weighing Good Intentions

A sad but important episode. An exploration of the Kirtland warbler, with a bit of a cautionary tale about prescribed fire. A great episode if you want to sit on a rainy day and think about why we burn, and about the power of fire to do both beautiful and terrible things. 

Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Podcast

The only truly fire-centric podcast on the list, and a great one! Each episode is basically an AAR (after action review). They focus on the problems they encounter with burning, everything from faulty equipment to unmotivated crew members. Give it a listen!