
7/2 - Drones in fire: smart use of tech or rocky road?

7/2 - Drones in fire: smart use of tech or rocky road?

Every now and then, the tech sector cranks out something that proliferates so deeply into mainstream culture, it eventually sneaks into every area of our lives. Though these pieces of technology might trouble us just as much as they delight us, there's no denying the excitement they cause, the rush of seeing and interacting with something brand new. Recently something new has stepped into the tech limelight, inhabiting the space once held by camcorders and laptops: DRONES.

6/25 - What's there to be afraid of?

6/25 - What's there to be afraid of?

Prescribed burning is an objectively worrying activity. I mean, how could going against the wishes of Smokey Bear ever be a good thing??? Although the fear associated with burning is understandable, it's our duty as people who put fire on the ground to understand our fears. To differentiate the valid concerns from the knee-jerk impulse to stop any fire from ever hitting the ground. I've encountered quite a few people who want to see prescribed fire abolished, who think it's deadly and evil. In this article I hope to address both the rational and irrational responses I've encountered to the idea of ecological burning.